Competition vs. Studio lashing
A common phenomenon: a great lash stylist takes part in a championship, loses, and afterwards questions the honesty of the jury.
But it's usually just because this stylist doesn't know that a master's job is very different from a studio job...
Let's find out the differences!
1. Lengths - the shorter the better!
For example, if you apply an even 3mm long fan to the inner corners of your eyes with the ideal distance and orientation, this will show your professionalism 100%.
2. Fullness (evaluated overall and also in the outer and inner corners of the eyes)
Championship lashes require 100% of all lashes. This means that you have to stick on all eyelashes: crooked, slanted and even short ones. The judges examine it very carefully.
3. Flowing lashline and smooth transitions.
No steps, “antennas” or torn lashline!
Just an ideally flowing line from the first to the last eyelash (as practice shows, one of the most difficult criteria to achieve).
4. Number of eyelashes in a fan.
Hybrid eyelash extensions are often used in the studio, for example to close gaps. But in the championship (for example) in 3D, strictly 3 eyelashes per fan are required, no more and no less!
5. Uniformity of the compartments - the same width of the compartments, the same length of the feet, and a uniform, even spread of each fan.
The more identical the subjects, the more professional the stylist is.
6. Color.
You can love black eyelashes endlessly, but if the model is a blonde or redhead, then unfortunately black eyelashes are a mistake in the championship!
7. The most secret point.
A championship model isn't just the first person to RSVP. It must be well selected. No difficult lashes and/or eyes.
And finally... the most important point:
8. Most of the time behind every champion is:
- a coach who prepared him for the championship
- a lot of training and a lot of training
- the desire to develop further and the endless love for the job!
Viel Erfolg an alle, die sich trauen und an einer Meisterschaft teilnehmen!
TEST YOUR SKILLS with yaLASHes (classic eyelash extensions)